Pool Patio & Porch Windows & Pet doors Screen Repair Service in Orlando


We give an estimate on the day of treatment


We use only high-quality materials produced in the U.S.


You will get a completely clean site after the work has been carried out

We use only the highest quality materials manufactured by “Phifer”

Phifer Incorporated, a U.S. based company, is the leader in insect screens, solar protection fabrics, drawn wire, engineered products and design fabrics. As the world’s largest producer of aluminum and fiberglass insect screening, Phifer has capitalized on its wire drawing and textile weaving expertise to flourish in these and other related markets.


Residential Junk Removal
Residential Junk Removal
Commercial Junk Removal
Commercial Junk Removal
Construction Debris Removal
Construction Debris Removal
Yard Waste Removal
Yard Waste Removal
E-Waste Recycling
E-Waste Recycling
Estate Cleanouts
Estate Cleanouts
Garage Cleanouts
Garage Cleanouts
Recycling Services
Recycling Services

Calculate the cost

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What do we offer You?

  • FREE
    Estimate, standard materials for work as well as cleaning after work absolutely FREE of charge, you pay only for the work of our specialists.
    We use only the best materials and screens on the market.
    We offer a 5 year warranty on our work and a 5 year warranty on screens from the American manufacturer FHIFER.
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels. Contact our specialist who will answer all your questions. You can also write us a message with contact information and a photo of your problem, and if possible, we will assign you an estimate and price remotely.
    Dear customers, please understand that we do not use marketing tricks, we are honest with our customers, our prices are quite reasonable compared to others, we put the value of time and quality into each of our sentences and words. We write reasonable prices and do not try to inflate the cost during a call or estimate, we offer the most favorable rates for you for each service, so that you are satisfied now and in the future, we value our reputation and your trust.
    Regular customers, as well as new customers attracted by your recommendation, are entitled to an additional discount.
    Our company values ​​your time and therefore after each service, our specialists conduct an audit of all your screens and next time, knowing the dimensions and volume of work, we immediately begin work on replacement with the material prepared in advance, without an additional visit for the estimate.
    This way you will save time on a double meeting, and a solution to your problem the first time.

Before & After

Some more of our work

The Best Junk Removal Company Near You

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All types of screens


This screen is used 80% of the time because it provides insect protection at a cheap price. However, if you have animals, lots of trees or small gnats, we advise you to look at other types of screens. We only use the best and trusted manufacturer Phifer

NO-SEE-UM 20x20

This screen is used when you need a better look and more protection. This type of screen has smaller cells so even the smallest bugs can’t get in, it provides a better view because you can’t see the cells, and it lasts longer than a regular screen because it uses a different type of material.


If you need privacy or protection from water and dirt, Florida Glass is your choice. It can be used to cover the bottom and sides. This screen only comes in 1 size – 6f, so it will not fit everyone. This screen lasts less than regular screens and it cannot be installed on the top of the cage


Do you have animals at home? To avoid repairing the screens every time, we recommend using this type of material. It is much thicker and stronger than a normal screen and will help protect against damage from dogs, cats, squirrels and sometimes raccoons. (kickplate can be installed for a more stronger net)


This type of screen will help protect your patio from insects as well as from strong sun and harmful UV rays. It is also quite durable and looks better and more expensive from the outside.

Quality of our work

This is the quality You get when You work with us

In these photos you can see the problems our clients encountered before contacting us, and part of what had to be corrected after unprofessional specialists screen repair.

If you don’t want to encounter problems such as these then you should…

contact us for quality work!


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Our team

For your convenience in communicating with our dear customers, our team includes employees who speak English and Spanish.

Kelly is a hard working manager who cares for and organizes the company flow.
Π‘hief assistant
Arthur is a handy helper and never disappointed our customers. He has 5 years of experience.
Marketing manager
Promotion, company development strategies, advertising - our experienced marketer is responsible for all of this.
Our mascot and motivation.
Lead screen technician
Kelvin is our lead screen technician, he has a 5 year experience with screen repairing. With his work you will get the best screen repairing done.
Screen technician
Rasell has over 5 years of experience under his belt. Previously worked in the construction industry.
Screen technician
Gabriel is a true professional in his field, with over 3 years of experience in screen installation for pools, patios and porches.

Frequently asked questions

Maalaaminen ja pintakΓ€sittely voivat olla erittΓ€in kannattavia toimenpiteitΓ€, joilla voi olla useita hyΓΆtyjΓ€:


Maalaaminen ja pintakÀsittely suojaavat talon ulkopintoja sÀÀvaurioilta, kuten kosteudelta, UV-sÀteiltÀ, homeelta ja halkeilulta. TÀmÀ voi pidentÀÀ talon elinkaarta ja vÀhentÀÀ korjaustarpeita tulevaisuudessa.


Raikas ja hyvin hoidettu maalipinta ja pintakÀsittely parantavat talon ulkonÀkâÀ ja lisÀÀvÀt sen houkuttelevuutta. TÀmÀ voi olla erityisen tÀrkeÀÀ, jos suunnittelet talon myyntiÀ tai haluat yllÀpitÀÀ kiinteistâsi arvoa.

Arvon sΓ€ilyttΓ€minen:

SÀÀnnâllinen huolto ja ulkopintojen kunnossapito voivat auttaa sÀilyttÀmÀÀn talon arvon pitkÀllÀ aikavÀlillÀ. Hyvin hoidettu talo on houkuttelevampi ostajille ja voi tuoda paremman hinnan myydessÀsi sen.


EnnaltaehkÀisevÀ huolto ja pintakÀsittely voivat auttaa vÀlttÀmÀÀn suurempia korjauskustannuksia ja pitkÀn aikavÀlin vaurioita, jotka voivat syntyÀ, jos ulkopinnat jÀtetÀÀn huoltamatta.

Yhteenvetona, maalaaminen ja pintakÀsittely voivat olla erittÀin jÀrkeviÀ investointeja talon kunnossapitoon ja arvon sÀilyttÀmiseen. Ne voivat auttaa suojaamaan taloa sÀÀvaurioilta, parantamaan sen ulkonÀkâÀ ja vÀhentÀmÀÀn pitkÀn aikavÀlin kustannuksia.

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